Category Archives: Archive

This is the chronological archive of all POETRY & POETICS materials from our events and seminars. To navigate the archive you can explore by date, click on the tags below each archival object, or use the search function in the menu bar.

This is the chronological archive of all POETRY & POETICS materials from our events and seminars. To navigate the archive you can explore by date, click on the tags below each archival object, or use the search function in the menu bar.

  • Archive by date

  • Ann Vickery: Against Colony Collapse Disorder

    Colony collapse disorder describes a phenomenon whereby worker bees have suddenly and inexplicably disappeared from a hive. It has also been mobilised as a syndrome following the rapid vanishing of Western honeybee colonies across North America and Europe. Justin Clemens has also used the term to describe aesthetic collapse, whereby poets can only demonstrate their existence as “being caught dead” given the fragile conditions of poetry and the inevitable, deadly effects of the past.