Ann Vickery: [T]hinking of time and typing:
Travel Exhaustion in Martin Johnston’s In Transit: A Sonnet Square. This paper was presented in the panel ‘Inheritances, Limits, Forms’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
This is the chronological archive of all POETRY & POETICS materials from our events and seminars. To navigate the archive you can explore by date, click on the tags below each archival object, or use the search function in the menu bar.
This is the chronological archive of all POETRY & POETICS materials from our events and seminars. To navigate the archive you can explore by date, click on the tags below each archival object, or use the search function in the menu bar.
Travel Exhaustion in Martin Johnston’s In Transit: A Sonnet Square. This paper was presented in the panel ‘Inheritances, Limits, Forms’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
Chris Edwards’ Mistranslation of Mallarmé’s Un Coup de dés. This paper was presented in the panel ‘Inheritances, Limits, Forms’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
This paper was presented in the panel ‘Inheritances, Limits, Forms’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
William Carlos Williams’ Paterson and the Mathematical Imagination. This paper was presented in the panel ‘Modernist Poetics’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
Wallace Stevens’ Poetics of Copia. This paper was presented in the panel ‘Modernist Poetics’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
The Limits of Close Reading. This paper was presented in the panel ‘Modernist Poetics’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
On Historical Poetics. This paper was one of the keynote presentations at the Historical Poetics symposium.
This paper was presented in the panel ‘Post-War American Poetics’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
Louise Glück’s ‘Mock Orange’. This paper was presented in the panel ‘Post-War American Poetics’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.
Gary Snyder’s Mountains and Rivers Without End as Alluvial History. This paper was presented in the panel ‘Post-War American Poetics’ at the Historical Poetics symposium.